5 Top Language Learning Tips by Ronja from Raeuberkinder.net #TopTipTuesday #5TopLanguageLearningTips
So it is the last Tuesday in February and I have really enjoyed all of our guest bloggers language learning tips so far, so much so that I may carry on with this guest blog feature in future months, so keep checking out the blog!
As said at the beginning of the month, I strongly believe it is important to not just promote your own ideas but to also look at your mentors and peers to see what advice and tips that they can also offer.
When starting on a language learning journey it is extremely important to do your research and see what other families, experts etc are also performing in order to achieve their goals.
With this in mind I have contacted a number of experts, homeschooling families and bilingual parents to give their ‘Top 5 Language Learning Tips’ to feature as guest Bloggers during the month of February. This will also help you all on your language journeys to gather advice in order to support you on your way.
This week we are hearing from Ronja from Raeuberkinder
Meet Ronja
Ronja from www.raeuberkinder.net (Photo: Anne Knoke, www.trugbild.de) always loved learning languages and so it is an important part of her family life. Ronja and her family (husband and four children) are originally from Germany, but left there in 2018 after trying in vain to find viable learning/ education solutions for their second born son.
They travelled Europe with a campervan for almost a year before looking for a new place to settle. They are now living happily in Denmark where her children have free choice if they like to attend school or prefer learning self-directed.
Ronja helps families to find their own way of learning-at-home – so check out her courses, planners and workshops on www.raeuberkinder.net!
Ronjas Top 5 Language Learning Tips
1) Make it part of your day
My life is and always has been full and chaotic. So if something isn’t a natural part of my day-to-day it tends to not happen. We have wordcards all over the house on shelves and walls and play our favourite boardgames in our learning language: currently danish!
2) Learn what you actually use!
I don’t have a commute or a traditional workspace with Coworkers, so those words and phrases have no practical use to me, even though they come up in every language-learning course. Our approach puts an empahsis on words and phrases we actually need! Like telling someone, that our dog is male, 2 years old and would love to play with their dog. Being polite. Or arranging playdates and similar things. The rest can come later.
3) Weird things are easier to remember!
You know those swear-words at the tip of your tongue after you stubbed your little toe most painfully? Those are the ones you remember easiest My 11-year-old-daughter prefers to swear in french, by the way. And my son is 8 years old and he knows the word for „fart“ in 7 languages, in case you ever wondered… it’s „numse gas“ in danish and you get a giggle out of him, whenever someone says it out loud. (But I bet, you may have just learned your first danish word, too!)
4) Start again!
If you fall out of your practice routine, justr start again. Life happens. Don’t waste time shaming or blaming yourself for neglecting your language learning. Pick up one practice, even if it is just turning on the radio in your learning language and of you go!
5) Try new things!
Sometimes you start skipping your language learning practice, because you fell out of love with your current way of learning. Switch it up! Reread your favourite book, start writing all your text messages, only watch TV or have all your meal conversations in your target language. There are so many ways to learn a language – use what you love doing and get creative!
Ronja has a freebie for you
You can connect I have a free little Workbook for you: https://raeuberkinder.vipmembervault.com/products/units/view/1360879 I hope you enjoy it and it sets you on a path to a wonderful language learning journey!
You can also connect with Ronja on Facebook or Instagram
Next month
Look out next month on our Blog where we will be taking a look at some bilingual authors and also having a guest blog feature about using the great outdoors and nature for learning.
In the meantime if you are looking to start a new language and need some support with planning and implementing a new langauge into your home or homeschooling routine here is a link to my course Start Your Language Journey . It is bilingual in English and German and although the starter pack is in those langauges the course can help you plan whatever language you wish to introduce.
I also have a new FREE RESOURCE LIBRARY offering free resrouces about learning languages which will to added to on a regular basis.
Other language learning advice here on my website https://outdoorbilinguallearner.com
Have a good week
Rachel x