Language learning and ponies, do they really go together? Well if you have a pony-mad child then they do!
If you are a homeschooling family or just a family who wishes to encourage more language learning into your home, but you are not sure how to motivate your child, then help is on the way.
In order to encourage your child/children for language learning we can use something that they are really interested in to learn. Therefore if you have a Pony-Mad child then this series of blogs is going to be for you!
You do not need to have your own pony, if you do, then fabulous or if you have a loan pony, a hobby horse or also just some Schleich or Playmobile related horsey items then this is for your family!
How does Pony Language Learning Adventures Work?
This series of 12 blogs starting January will be running through the whole of 2025 and will have a specific monthly topic that we will focus on.
As always it will be Charlotte Mason inspired with the focus being on learning vocabulary through listening, speaking and doing, plus the use of simple sentences and acted out sequences. (If you wish to read more about Charlotte Mason Language Learning then please take a look at this previous blog post).previous blog post).
The 12 topics that we will be covering are;
January – Basic Anatomy / Basic Anatomie
February – Grooming/ Putzen
March – Leather Care/ Lederpflege
April – Walk, Trot, Canter/ Schritt, Trab Galopp
May – Feeding/ Füttern
June – The Hoof/ Der Huf
July – Poisonous plants/ Giftige Pflanzen
August – Pony Adventures/ Pferdeabenteuer
September – Mucking Out/ Ausmisten
October – Disciplines/ Dizipline
November – Winter Pony Care / Winter Ponypflege
December – Horsey Christmas / Pferde Weihnachten
Each month the blog post may contain;
- General information.
- Links to relevant sites to help you with language learning related to this subject.
- Freebie with relevant pronunciation videos (either attached or on our instagram channel)
- Simple sentences and/or sentence sequences.
- Ideas on how to integrate this specific topic to your language learning journey through play and outdoor activities.
Please note that Emily’s native language is German and her target language is English, and the focus will primarily be on learning English/German
Feedback would be fabulous, and our daughter Emily will also be taking part doing some of the pronunciation videos on her instagram account Emilys_Pony_Adventures amongst other things. Plus additional info will be posted on our usual Instagram site outdoor_bilingual_learner under our stories.
If you will be joining us and maybe doing some insta posting yourself our hashtag for this language learning adventure is #ponylanguagelearningadventures (I know its a bit of a mouthful!)
The Language Learning Notebook
We will also be setting up a language learning notebook to go with this series. And will be offering guidance for setting up a language learning notebook with your child. For some ideas to get you started take a look at this blog post or on this Pinboard.
There will also be some free printable inserts coming your way in order to help you set up the notebook and of course some of our recommendations on the items that we use.
We hope that this language learning series will be fun and please comment on this post of you wish to have more information or ideas that we should implement.
Also you do not have to be learning a language to enjoy this series. If you just have a pony mad child who wants to learn more in either english or german please feel free to join uS.