Bilingual Books – Why they are useful and not just for Bilingual families #bilingualbooks #learninglanguages This is just a short post today, but I feel that I had to get it down! When I started my writing journey it was definitely for a reason – where are all the bilingual books? (in my case in…
5 Top Language Learning Tips by Ronja from
5 Top Language Learning Tips by Ronja from #TopTipTuesday #5TopLanguageLearningTips So it is the last Tuesday in February and I have really enjoyed all of our guest bloggers language learning tips so far, so much so that I may carry on with this guest blog feature in future months, so keep checking out…
5 Language Learning Tips by Gina from Gina B Homeschool #TopTipTuesday #5TopLanguageTips
5 Language Learning Tips by Gina from Gina B Homeschool #TopTipTuesday #Top5LanguageLearningTips Another Tuesday in February is here so let’s see what are next guest blogger has to say about her ‘Top 5 Language Learning Tips’ As said at the beginning of the month, I feel that it is important to not just promote your…
5 Language Learning Tips by Kris from Froggyreadteach #Top5LanguageLearningTips #Toptiptuesday
5 Language Learning Tips by Kris from Froggyreadteach #Top5LanguageLearningTips #Toptiptuesday We are on week two of February and that means another guest blog focussing on ‘Top 5 Language Learning Tips’ As stated at the beginning of the month, I feel that it is important to not just promote your own ideas but to also look…
Our Bilingual Journey So Far
Background I just wanted to take a few minutes to talk through our bilingual journey. The decisions and the changes we made on our journey. Our decision was easy with regards to the language that we were going to choose. I am a Brit living in Austria so our majority language is German and the…
So you’ve just read the title and thought, „Well those things are completely different!”, but are they? I hear adults all the time talking about how their child does not like reading or books in general, or that their child always wants to stay indoors. Children are great imitators and from a very young age they start out in life imitating us, their parents.